Belfast’s Dark Tropics have unleashed their inner sass and valour with their latest single, “I Bet You Can”.

Dark Tropics are Rio and Gerard who joined forces over similar likes in Radiohead, Aretha Franklin, and The Velvet Underground and the duo are bringing a bit more pop flair to the wonderfully catchy, “I Bet You Can”.

Of the song, the duo says,
I Bet You Can’ was written in a storm and a haze. It’s a song about embracing your youth and dancing your way through uncertainty whilst avoiding the perils of petty discontent.
The drums at the beginning of “I Bet You Can” trick the ear into thinking “Freedom” by George Michael but once Rio starts to sing, it’s obvious you are not getting “Freedom”.
Dark Tropics is providing another type of freedom though and it’s through their lyrics that are empowering, strong, and confident. Add that lyrical freedom over catchy beats and smart guitar riffs and they created a sound that is no longer the pop-noir they are known for but one that is upbeat, fun, and powerful.
Listen to “I Bet You Can” below