ALBUM REVIEW: A Bit Jumpy! by Socks and Ballerinas

When you press play on A Bit Jumpy, the upcoming album from Bristol’s innovative duo Socks and Ballerinas, you’re stepping into a soundscape that feels both exhilarating and refreshingly unpredictable. Set to release on September 27, 2024, the album is an immersive journey through a world where genres collide and creativity knows no bounds.

Socks and Ballerinas, composed of guitarist Leonardo Calamati and drummer Katalin Helfenbein, have crafted their own unique niche in the music landscape. Describing their sound as “instant WTF”, it captures the essence of what one can expect. The duo artfully blends math-rock, electronic, and progressive rock and draw on influences from the likes of Battles and Radiohead to create something wholly their own. 

This album feels like a thrilling roller coaster ride that is full of twists, turns, and exhilarating drops. The intricate looping that is combined with Katalin’s precise drumming is a true sonic adventure if you will. It defies expectations and every song on A Bit Jumpy invites one to buckle up and embrace the chaos.

The lead single “Newton” is a standout example of how the duo revives and transforms past ideas. Leonardo reflects on the song’s long journey, which began 13 years ago.

“‘Newton’ is based on an old song of mine that I started writing something like 13 years ago, when I left my home country for the first time and Socks and Ballerinas didn’t yet exist. During the years it went through tons of iterations, including some heavy electronic experiments which heavily influenced the final version and helped shape the overall vibe of the new album.”

Katalin adds,

“When Leo showed me the guitars for ‘Newton’, I instinctively went for a drum and bass rhythm without even knowing about the song’s history. Elements of this track are from the early days we played together in a short lived previous band before we formed Socks and Ballerinas. We brought it back to life adding synths and heavily reworking its structure.”

Now bursting with life thanks to experimentation, the track is one of many highlights on the album. Personal favourites are “Muscle Monsters” and “Chemical”.

Then there’s “Outsidein,” which showcases the duo’s evolution since their previous album, SOAP! The introduction of synths breathes new life into the track and transforms it from a guitar-centric piece into a vibrant, multi-layered composition. The playful guitar riffs and challenging drum patterns illustrate their growth as artists

I think that what sets A Bit Jumpy apart is its adventurous spirit. Each track is like a chapter in a novel where the storyline shifts unexpectedly and keeps one engaged and curious. The album pushes boundaries not just musically but conceptually by blending genres in a way that feels organic rather than forced. With its rich textures, playful rhythms, and a healthy dose of chaos, you’re never quite sure where the music will take you next, which is part of the thrill.