ALBUM REVIEW: Rank Outsider by Mike Crawford

Mike Crawford‘s second solo album, Rank Outsider, is a soulful testament to a lifetime steeped in musical experiences and rich collaboration. Recorded in Bristol with an impressive roster of local talent, the album deftly navigates the spectrum of human emotion, balancing heartfelt reflections on aging and heartbreak with a potent dose of musical artistry.

From the opening track, Mike sets a poignant tone with “Galilee.” The song’s depth and soulfulness suggest an almost religious experience, drawing one into a contemplative space. The melodies are woven with a warmth that invites introspection, resonating deeply with those familiar with Mike’s extensive musical journey.

“Prodigal Son” stands out as a particularly emotional track, reminiscent of U2’s spiritual undertones in “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” Mike’s vocal delivery is both earnest and unreserved, enveloping one in a lush sound that aligns well with his reflective lyrics.

“In Trouble” introduces a rich bassline and deep vocals that reverberate throughout the track. The depth of the production here is notable; Mike’s voice is complemented by a sonic foundation that feels both grounded and expansive, creating a powerful and immersive listening experience.

“Long Grass” is a track where Mike’s mastery of musical elements truly shines. The inclusion of the harmonica here adds a refreshing touch, creating an irresistibly toe-tapping rhythm. It’s a standout moment on the album that underscores Mike’s ability to blend traditional sounds with contemporary flair.

The album concludes on an upbeat note with “Waiting for the Women,” a track that captures a lively, invigorating energy. The final number serves as a joyful contrast to some of the more introspective pieces, closing the album with a sense of optimism and celebration.

Rank Outsider is a profound exploration of life’s trials and triumphs, delivered with a mix of sincerity and sophistication. Mike Crawford’s nuanced songwriting and the collaborative efforts of his talented ensemble result in an album that is both musically rich and emotionally resonant.