DEBUT EP REVIEW: I Am a Demon by Vesseles

Blending haunting melodies and raw intensity, Vesseles‘ debut EP I Am a Demon (May 3) emerges as a powerful exploration of identity transformation. The symphonic black metal project dives deep into themes of self-hatred, transformation, and the disconnect between soul and body.

I Am a Demon is where the raw emotion of identity transformation intertwines with symphonic black metal. From battling self-hatred to embracing authenticity, each track dives into the complexities of identity dysphoria with haunting melodies and introspective lyrics. On guitar, piano, lyrics, and composition duty is Valira Pietrangelo, with Adam Rupp on vocals and Nick Loiacono on drum programming. With Valira as the mastermind who is steering between brutally heavy and beautifully melodic, Vesseles crafts a wonderful soundscape that is ripe with decay and dissonance. 

The journey through I Am a Demon mirrors Valira’s personal struggles with identity dysphoria, with each track representing a stage in the transformative process. Valira’s words in the fierce opening song, “Suffocating Flesh,” carry a visceral and raw honesty of not only the hate and dysphoria she felt, but I imagine it could also be a universal description for those going through their own dysphoria and hate. In comparison, “Wretched” is a dark warm hug while the fiery “Cathartic Cruelty” is a brutal shooove into the abyss of the soul.

On I Am a Demon, Valira says,

“I Am a Demon goes through the transformation of my identity. It flows from self hatred, to release, ritual and thus transformation, closing on the disconnect between soul and body. Musically there are elements of decay illustrated by a gradual increase in dissonance and unexpected change alongside black metal tropes.”

Valira’s commentary on the EP’s creation sheds light on its emotional depth and significance. 

“Music, in general, has meant a lot to me for many years but this project is on a different level in terms of purpose. I have never had such a strong emotional response to my own music.”

Just as Valira has stated, I Am a Demon is more than just music. It’s a vessel for self-expression and empowerment. Through this project, Valira confronts her inner self and emerges with a newfound sense of authenticity and purpose. 

The importance of I Am a Demon extends beyond its musicality. It represents a bold step towards self-discovery and acceptance, challenging societal norms and pushing the boundaries of the human experience. Vesseles, with its layered symphonic elements and introspective lyrics, serves as a testament to the power of music as a tool for personal transformation and empowerment.

With its haunting melodies, raw intensity, and profound thematic exploration, I Am a Demon is a captivating debut that showcases Valira and Vesseles’ artistic vision and emotional depth.

Read our interview with Vesseles.