Allow us to introduce you to the talented songwriters and multi-instrumentalists, Jeni Magana and Emily Moore, the creative forces behind the sun-soaked indie-pop project known as Pen Pin.

Their musical journey began when fate brought them together while touring, and during those precious moments off the road, they embarked on a creative odyssey that would become their debut album, Pony Up. The result of their artistic collaboration is nothing short of magical—a laid-back, vintage pop masterpiece that envelops you like a warm, desert breeze.

Their upcoming self-produced album, Pony Up (tbc, 2024) is not just a collection of songs, but will be a vivid reflection of the moments of inspiration and camaraderie shared between close friends.

That can already be heard in their debut single, “Fringe” which captured the essence of joy in a relationship and the enduring memory of that happiness, even when faced with life’s challenges. It’s a musical snapshot that takes you back to those moments when love or life felt pure and uncomplicated.

Their upcoming self-produced album, Pony Up (tbc, 2024) is not just a collection of songs, but will be a vivid reflection of the moments of inspiration and camaraderie shared between close friends. 

Their upcoming self-produced album, Pony Up (tbc, 2024) is not just a collection of songs, but will be a vivid reflection of the moments of inspiration and camaraderie shared between close friends. 

That can already be heard in their debut single, “Fringe” which captured the essence of joy in a relationship and the enduring memory of that happiness, even when faced with life’s challenges. It’s a musical snapshot that takes you back to those moments when love or life felt pure and uncomplicated.

Following the enchanting “Fringe” is their latest offering, “The Boredom.” This rich and luscious track serves as a poignant reminder to all of us caught in the never-ending cycle of digital distraction and comparison. It encourages us to pause, unplug, and rediscover the beauty in the simplicity of life.

On the song, Jeni confides,

“I hope it serves as a reminder not to be too hard on ourselves when we find ourselves scrolling through our phones yet again, without knowing how we got there. “The Boredom” isn’t necessarily evil, but it’s a character that you might not always want around but seems to show up when you least expect it anyway.”

If “Fringe” and “The Boredom” are any indicators of what Pony Up will be like, then fans will experience a quite lovely journey of friendship as told through the beauty of lyrics and heartfelt melodies.