EP REVIEW: Rainy by Seba Safe

Seba Safe is the creation of Galway songwriter Michael D’Alton and his EP, Rainy, is his follow up his 2022 EP, Before I Remember You.

On Rainy, Seba says,

The Rainy EP for me is a personal reflection of a time where the world was in lockdown. These songs aren’t about the pandemic but a day-to-day reminder of what was happening in my own life and the country around me. Dealing with themes of mental health, personal growth, friendships falling apart, immigration and love, I created five songs to allow me to see the whole picture of this time. 

Recorded with Duncan Mills, Seba says this on the recording and production,

Duncan Mills in London recorded and produced something that I will always be proud of. My manager and brother Shea Tohill’s lead guitar moments turn this EP into something truly special. Being honest is all I strive for in song writing and that’s what I’ve done here.

Even though the EP is only 6 tracks deep, Seba is able to explore a multitude of themes like love and loss, “I Wonder”, the desire to be wanted, “Oblivion”, loneliness, “Afterlife”, and emigration, “On My Way”.

With a title like “Rainy”, one is led to think the song is going to be grey and down tempo, but the title track is the perfect summer song with a rhythm that is upbeat and effervescent.

Rainy is an EP that candidly explores life with elegance and humanity.

MUST LISTEN TRACKS: “Oblivion”, “Rainy”


Listen to selected tracks below or listen to Rainy on Spotify
