HOT TRACK: “Rot of Humanity” by Eighteen Visions

Decisions, decisions, decisions. Would this be a song review of “Rot of Humanity” by Eighteen Visions or would this be a hot track for “Rot of Humanity” by Eighteen Visions.

​​Porque no los dos?

Did I imagine there would be new Eighteen Visions in 2023?


Am I f’n jumping out of my skin that there’s new Eighteen Visions?


Eighteen Visions is one of those bands that have grown harder, heavier, and more brutal with time. Their music has aged like that of whiskey soaking in a toasted European oak cask – spicy AF.

The OC (Orange County) outfit are known for being leaders in the metalcore and deathcore sound and Eighteen Visions has always been one of the most underrated bands in the metal genre. This is a hill I am willing to battle and die on.

In releasing “Rot of Humanity”, 18V commented on their socials, “so much more to come”. Could this more to come be a continuation or expansion of where their 2020 Inferno EP, inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy left off?

“Rot of Humanity” sure feels like an extension of the Inferno EP. Not only in brutality but in design as well. Instead of red and black muted colours, we have purple and black muted colours. There’s also the recitation of the first two stanzas of Purgatory Canto 1 that gives obvious clues this “more to come” is delving back into Dante’s world through the eyes of 18V.

The song opens with before mentioned reciting of the first two stanzas before 18V shoves everyone into the pits of hellfire and damnation. The drums relentlessly assault the heart, the guitars and bass crush the soul in a merciless wall of sound, James’ vocals viciously tear away at the mind, while the lyrics claw away at the spirit.

It’s pure heaven.

Or hell.

Once again, Eighteen Visions has proven their mark on the metal world. With “Rot of Humanity” they are wielding the branding iron and sword and have single handedly claimed 2023 theirs. Everyone else can go home now.