LISTEN: “Mammoth” by Seth Glier

Grammy nominated singer songwriter Seth Glier explores two questions with his song “Mammoth” from his upcoming album Everything (January 26th):

  • what if you were brought back to life and find yourself in an unrecognisable world
  • what if you learned you were resurrected to save humanity

Seth shares this on the song,

Scientists Sergey Zimov and Nikita Zimov are in the process of picking through the ice and melting permafrost of northern Siberia for the perfect frozen sample of a Woolly Mammoth. Their goal is to take the DNA and bring the mammoth back to the plains it once roamed. There is some merit to this idea as a climate solution. The Permafrost is one of the largest carbon reservoirs we have. In the grazing ecosystems, mammoths trample snow while foraging during the winter. When the snow is packed beneath their significant weight, it allows deeper freezing of the permafrost and thus protects it from degradation. I was struck by this and how strange it might feel for the mammoth and decided to write the song from its perspective.

Echoing moments of sadness and hope, “Mammoth” is a sombre look at the challenges of facing a new world and the responsibility of saving others and without having to resurrect the dead, one can currently ask themselves what can I do now to make a difference and save humanity.