LISTEN: My Vengeance is Everything EP by Jason Ashcraft

If I’m honest, if an artist or band throws in a Greek mythology reference, they have my attention.

Jason Ashcraft does just that with the opening line “The Gods of Olympus have abandoned me” in “My Vengeance is Everything (Chaos Reigns)” from the EP of the same name.

Metal fans will recognize Jason’s name from Helion Prime, Dire Peril, Planeswalker, and Of Romulus and Stu Block from Into Eternity and ex-Iced Earth. The duo teamed up to re-record Dire Peril’s song “My Vengeance is Everything (Chaos Reigns)”.

Jason says this about about the song,

I was listening to the old Dire Peril EPs one evening as sometimes it’s nice to revisit the past and see how far you’ve come. While listening to them I was really digging into this song and thought to myself ‘You know there is still potential here and I bet with a new coat of paint it could really shine’. I knew there was one man I wanted to help me bring this back to life -Stu Block. He did such an amazing job on this song I’m excited for everyone to hear it.

From the God of War Ragnarok Soundtrack, “Blood Upon the Snow” originally recorded by Hozier and written by Bear McCreary, Jason enlisted ex-Helion Prime, Heather Michele to perform vocals and further adds,

I knew I wanted to do more with this release and really make it special. That’s why I decided to do a cover of ‘Blood Upon the Snow’ and I love the way it turned out we all really made it our own. I brought Heather Michele on board for this one and she did such a great job. Even got a few words out of R.A. Voltaire (Ravenous E.H.) for this tune.

Jason ups the ante from the originals on both songs.

For “My Vengeance is Everything (Chaos Reigns)” he has tightened the sound, the guitars, and cleaned up the vocals and “Blood Upon the Snow” is a complete metal upgrade from the sombre version that Hozier performs. It’s epically grand in vocals and music.

Listen to My Vengeance is Everything

Watch “Blood Upon the Snow” below

Listen to “My Vengeance is Everything (Chaos Reigns)”