LISTEN: “The Silence is Deafening” by Exiled Hope

The latest from Exiled Hope, “The Silence is Deafening” is a slight departure from her previous singles, “The Summoning”, “Altar of Moloch”, and “Over You”. While narratively continuing the storyline from her forthcoming album Apocrypha, “The Silence is Deafening” allows Sofia Frasz’s clean voice to take the spotlight.

Sofia, the mastermind behind Exiled Hope says this about the song,

“This song is for anyone who feels like they’re giving more to someone else than they’re receiving. You’re trying your best, but the other side seems to be giving up without telling you why. In the album, the protagonist’s lover feels like he’s growing distant from her without cause. He’s alienating everyone and isolating himself in his efforts to understand the nature of the creature he’s becoming. He hates what he sees in the world now that he understands the evil that befell it after Hope was sacrificed (referring to the events of Exiled Hope), and he hates what he sees in himself and everyone around him. His lover doesn’t see that, however; she only sees him growing distant and self-absorbed. If only he would tell her… but then again, who would believe him?”

With the exploration of the complexities of relationships and the toll of unspoken struggles, Sofia’s voice guides one through the emotional landscape with grace and vulnerability. There is a power to Sofia’s clean vocals that are rooted in strength and while she also performs parts of “The Silence is Deafening” with harsh vocals, it feels less menacing. The duality of the vocals allow for a vocal fight to the death. It’s powerful to hear Sofia’s clean vocals seemingly strip away the power of her harsh vocals like a victim would strip away the power that their assailant once had a hold over them.

“The Silence is Deafening” reminds us that silence can speak louder than words.