LISTEN: “Tire Swing” by M. Vaughan

In the sonic voyage of M. Vaughan‘s latest single, “Tire Swing,” listeners are beckoned into a realm where indie rock meets electronic exploration. Departing from the pulsating beats of the club scene, M. Vaughan invites us on a heartfelt journey through his own experiences of relocation and introspection.

The lead single from his upcoming EP, Keep in Touch, “Tire Swing” serves not only as a sign of a musical evolution,  but a departure from the familiar, and a venture into the emotive depths of indie rock. The track is but a mere glimpse into M. Vaughan‘s artistic metamorphosis.

On the song, he says,

“I wrote Tire Swing in my first spring in Berlin. I was listening to Fishmans and Tom Petty and keeping my sanity by going on long bike rides into the woods. I had rented a tiny studio and learned that German apartments are 100% empty when you move in…no kitchen, no light fixtures, just walls. So as I was writing this song I was making appointments for night visits to IKEA to pick up countertops and shelves. I remember riding the ring-bahn one night mumbling the German word for sink (waschbecken) to myself. There’s a lot of homesickness juice in this song and a sense of waiting for things to suck less.”

While “Tire Swing” showcases M. Vaughan’s musical dexterity, it too shows his wonderful catchy indie side or should I say sound.

“Tire Swing” soars with effervescent vocals, shimmering piano melodies, rhythmic beats, introspective lyrics, and is an infectious jam.