LISTEN: “Truck” by Squidge

The rumbling bass and guitar in “Truck”, the latest single from Squidge, reminds me of one of my favourite underrated bands of the grunge era, Gruntruck.

There’s a reflexive if not visceral and unapologtetc expression of frustration that seeps through the music and a raw honesty that lies within the vocals.

As “Truck” plays on Squidge sounds less grunge and more rock and it’s the fluidity in sound that makes the song a banger. It’s not a grin and bear it menatility, but more so Squidge’s show me your teeth menatility that fearlessly confronts a laxidscial society and asks one, forces one even, to stand up and fight the good fight.

With its raw intensity and unrelenting energy, “Truck” channels a generation’s unbridled passion into a call for change.