LISTEN: “Growing Up Sucks” by Taylor Mecca

There’s something delicate and fragile about “Growing Up Sucks” by Taylor Mecca.

Perhaps it’s my own rumination that being an adult isn’t what teenage me thought it would be or that with what I’ve experienced I want to forewarn those who are rushing to ‘grow up’ to slow down and enjoy not being an adult.

From her upcoming EP, Sidelines, Taylor says this about the song,

Growing up in my childhood home, seeing my friends move away, feeling frustrated and impatient with myself. Life feels as if it’s moving too quickly for me to keep up, but standing still at the same time. I realized that I was facing the frustrating feeling of growing up as an adult in the same environment I was raised in. We all look forward to growing up, but when it comes around, it just feels more confusing and terrifying than we expect.

What Taylor has done is nailed in perfect reflection the journey from “kid” to “adult” with this lyric,

The Tooth Fairy don’t take my insurance, traded Barbies for some solo cups, tough love, and pay stubs…

While I may have a couple of decades on Taylor, she does cover all the adult hot topics with grace and humility and that is sure to annoy the Boomers. For this Gen X’er though, I found myself nodding along to each point in the song she has now experienced.

Despite Taylor’s age, she has easily crafted a song that covers all ages no matter when they were born because we adults should admit that at one point in time we all felt what Taylor has gone through as well.

With “Growing Up Sucks”, Taylor has created a connection between the gap of those who have grown up and those who will experience it and offers an anecdotally look at what those on the cusp will experience.

That’s the magic of music…creating connection between humanity despite age.

Listen to “Growing Up Sucks” below